Guidelines for Volunteer Bakers

Boulder Mountain Bakes is a big part of Boulder Mountain Handmade; it’s a favorite among long-term visitors and raises significant funds for Boulder Mountain Fire Auxiliary. Boulder Mountain Bakes features a broad selection of high-quality baked goods created from scratch by residents of the fire district.

What to bake:

•      Cookies, bars and brownies

•      Bread or buns

•      Quick breads, tea breads and coffee cakes

•      Muffins and scones

•      Sweet dough bakery items (i.e. doughnuts, cinnamon rolls)

•      Fruit pies and jellyrolls

•    Cakes or cupcakes

•      Gourmet popcorn and trail mixes

•      Confections (i.e. fudge, candy)

•      Pre-packaged foods such as granola bars

•      Pickled vegetables

 Safe Baking Guidelines

 State law requires that all foods offered for sale at bake sales be non-perishable (foods that are not required to be refrigerated and do not support bacterial growth). This means that icings or fillings must not be made with perishable items (i.e. dairy products such as milk, cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, butter, cream cheese; OR pumpkin, sweet potato, raw eggs or meat).

No baked items containing cannabis in any form are allowed.

Food Labeling Guidelines

Please identify/label any product that contains any major allergen. Major allergens include peanuts (peanut butter), eggs, wheat or other cereals containing gluten, soybeans, milk, and milk products (e.g. butter, buttermilk, cheese), tree nuts (e.g. almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews), and sesame.

Similarly, if your goods are vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, or gluten-free, please label your items accordingly!

Pretty Packaging Sells

Much of the success in the presentation of baked goods lies in their decorative packaging. We encourage bakers to creatively package your own baked goods for hygienic reasons. We will happily package as needed. We will price your baked goods.

Please note that baked goods can be dropped off on Friday, November 8 from 2 to 4 PM at Fire Station #1 in Pine Brook Hills, or from noon to 4 PM at locations in Boulder Heights and Carriage Hills. You may also drop off at the Boulder Elks Lodge on Friday, November 8 from noon to 6 PM, or on Saturday, November 9 from 8:30 AM to 4 PM, or on Sunday, November 10 from 8:30 AM to 10 AM and stick around to shop. Our bakers are some of our best customers!

Remember that 100% of proceeds from Boulder Mountain Bakes go to support of the Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District.


Please let us know your baking plans. To sign up, email:




Updated May 2024